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until Paul and Taylor tie the knot

Tabernacle at Cattle Creek
122 Campground Circle
Rowesville, SC 29133

Orangeburg Country Club
2745 Griffith Drive NW
Orangeburg, SC 29118


We are getting married on Saturday September 26, 2015 at eleven o’clock in the morning at the Cattle Creek Tabernacle. The address is 122 Campground Circle, Rowesville, South Carolina, 29133. The chief aim and goal of our ceremony is to declare the Gospel of Christ and celebrate His gift of marriage. We want to celebrate that as Christians “[we] are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a people for His own possession, that [we] may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called [us] out of darkness into His marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9). We are thrilled about the opportunity to share in a time of worship with each of you and, together, proclaim His excellencies. We are getting married at the Cattle Creek Tabernacle in Rowesville, South Carolina.

Cattle Creek, which is one of only three remaining Methodist camp-meeting grounds in South Carolina, was founded in 1786. For nearly the past two hundred and thirty years, local families have gathered at Cattle Creek during the third week of July to share food and fellowship. The campground consists of thirty-six cabins, called “tents”, arranged in a wide, semi-circle. When worship services were first held at the campground, families stayed in cloth tents and lean-tos. These cloth structures have been replaced with wooden cabins, made from rough, unpainted lumbar that have dirt floors and outdoor kitchens. Paul’s family calls cabin number 33 home during campmeeting. At the center of the campground, sits the Tabernacle, where religious services are held, heralded by the blowing of a large horn.

An article written about the campground portrays an accurate description: “Cattle Creek Campground is a tradition that devoted families won’t give up easily. In fact, they don’t see any reason to give up this time of communion with friends—and with their God.” We are excited to begin our marriage in a place with such a strong religious heritage. The Tabernacle is open air, but has a large, gabled tin roof. So, we will be protected from rain but not heat. The average high temperature in late September ranges from sixty-five to eighty-four degrees. The driveway surrounding Cattle Tabernacle is grass. Restrooms will be available.


We invite you to continue the celebration of Christ and our marriage at our reception, which will be held at the Orangeburg County Club, located at 2745 Griffith Drive NW, Orangeburg, South Carolina, 29118. The reception will begin at twelve thirty and will feature our favorite breakfast food, like pimento cheese grits as well as fried chicken and waffles. After enjoying a slice of the best cake in the Lowcountry, you will want to turn your attention to the dance floor.

Our Story

Phone calls

The Wedding Party


Welcome to Orangeburg! In our opinion, this town as some of the best Mexican food and prettiest trees you can find anywhere. You are in luck! Our wedding takes place on the same weekend as Raylrode Daze Festivul in Branchville. Branchville is home to the world’s oldest railroad junction, which is celebrated each September by this festival. The festival includes carnival rides, arts and crafts, concessions, and the famous Can Can Girls.

If you would like to explore the area, here are our suggestions for what you should consider.



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Wise Words

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I Was Dreaming When I Wrote This

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